dinner party? Sounds like fun doesn’t
it? There’s most likely not enough time
to set this up by Giving Tuesday, but you can make the plans that night. Now, for the details.
Hunger Now is an organization similar to Feed My Starving Children. They package food that contains rice, soy,
dehydrated vegetables and a flavoring mix including 21 essential vitamins and
minerals. They support school feeding
programs and crisis relief around the world.
At www.stophungernow.org/dinner you
can order a Dinner Party in a Box for a twenty-five dollar donation. This box includes a Stop Hunger Now meal bag
(feeds 6), invitations, instructions which include hunger facts and discussion
questions, recipes from some of the countries they serve and six place cards
with photos and stories of some of the children that receive meals.
think about five friends that you could invite.
If you have more than five friends, invite eleven and order two
boxes. It’s a great way to start a
conversation about hunger in your community and around the world, while
experiencing for one night a meal that others survive on.
Yeah, dinner parties are always fun and I love attending/hosting the dinner parties. On my 30th birthday I recently threw a fun dinner bash at one of my favorite New York event venues. It was an Italian themed dinner and I had great time with my loved ones after a long time.